Category Archives: News

Entries deadline is approaching

Dear orienteering friends,

We want to inform you that the deadline for the SEEOC and SEEMOC entries is approaching (10 August 2015). Please send them by using one of our forms in Entries menu or using the Orienteering Online System. (Link in the menu)

You can also check Bulletin 3 in the Bulletins section for SEEOC, SEEMOC and also for SIVEN SEEOC Tour and Bansko cup.

The international controller for the competitions has made his visit to check the maps, courses and the details for the competition. Everything is perfect and we are ready to welcome you in Bansko for some amazing orienteering days at the end of August.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

See you soon here in Bulgaria.

Bulletin 1

We are glad to inform you that our website is already active. Here you will find all the needed information about South East European Orienteering Championship and South East Masters Orienteering Championships 2015 which will be held in Bankso, Bulgaria.

Bulletin 1 is uploaded in the Bulletin section.

Soon we will upload more information in each section.